Monday, December 8, 2014

Jingle Bells mandarin song

Dear Parents,

We will have our performance show next week, and our song will be " Jingle Bells" in mandarin.  Our kiddos are trying really hard to practice the song now. Great job! I posted the link here. Please help your kids to watch this and listen to it at home.


The Season's Book video

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Week of Dec.1st

Reading: We will keep working on nonfiction book. We will talk about details and main ideas through different nonfiction book. Students made their own" The Four Seasons" book in the class, and illustrated the details through the picture drawing. They had really fun for making and reading their own books. In centers, we also did flash cards practice, pairs reading, board writing practice.

Writing: We will keep practicing " Table of Contents, Titles, Glossary, and informational writing". Depends on the animal projects the students made, they will describe their own animals through colors, size, and food. The students will have their mandarin words dictionaries, and choose the words, put them into sentence.

 Math: We will review some fraction and 3d shapes we did before. We will do pizza fractions later this week. The students made 3D books, and we will send 3D shapes book go home later. Please help your kids practice these at home. I will post the 3D books pronunciation later on.

Science: We will work on animals. I will implement part of science words into their writing too since we worked on the informational  writing. Also, since we sent the "My Beans Book" go home last week, help your kids read their books at home. They did awesome job for their "Beans Presentation". I think they would love to show you too!:)

Better Chinese log in information

Dear Parents,

Good news! Very exciting to hear that we just got the license for using  better Chinese online program. The students can log in and practice reading with better Chinese books at home now! The subscriptions are scheduled to start today and endAugust 31st, 2015

I am posting the link and steps of directions here. (User name is just example for showing the directions)
Students log in directions:

  1. Go to:
  2. Select "School Account" tab
  3. Enter Class ID:      GlobeBai
  4. Enter User Name:  15s01 (or 15s02, 15s03, etc. all the way to 15s44)
  5. Enter Password:     "123123" [changeable]
PS: I will email or post the real user name for each student later( different student will have different user name). For the new student and new parents, feel free to email me any questions that you had with log in steps. 

Thanksgiving Flashcards Video

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Nice Reminders

Nice Reminders:
  • Book Fair: Dec.1st(Monday) ,8:15am for Ms.Bai's homeroom and 9:00am for Ms. Murphy's homeroom.
  • Field Trip: Dec.8th, 8:30-9:25am--Shakespeare for Kids In-house program 
                          Dec.10th--First grade will see “Lyle the Crocodile” at Synchronicity Theatre.
  • Please make sure your kids have water bottle everyday in their backpacks.
  • Warm coat for them put on 

Very useful mandarin rhymes link

Here is the mandarin rhyme link. It includes famous chinese song(I taught some to them already), opposite words.
Please check it out! Thanks!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Halloween Project

Thanks everyone for sending me the video! I couldn't stop watching the videos! So enjoyed!
I heard the students' nice pronunciation, fluent reading! I saw their understandable and fun acting out!
Great job, every body!
Use this book as one of the mandarin reading resources. I think your kids love to read to you all the time!:)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Numbers in pinyin

I attached the numbers in Pinyin here. Hope it can help  some pronunciation.

Mandarin One Hundred Chart

Dear Parents,

I sent the mandarin one hundred chart home today. I listed the ways to use it below.

Mandarin One Hundred number chart 

Purpose of using: Help the students review Chinese numbers at home.

How to use it

  • Counting forward from one to hundred in mandarin
  •  Counting backward from one hundred to one in mandarin
  • Point to any mandarin number, and the student need to write in English way.(Eg: 六十四in English way 64)
  •  Use horizontal line to practice one more, one less. ( From left to right through each one is one more, from right to left through each one is one less) 
  • Use perpendicular line to practice ten more, ten less.( From top to bottom through each one is ten more, from bottom to top through each one is ten less.) 
When do you use it: Any time that you want to help your kids practice mandarin 

Thanks for all your support at home!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Halloween Project Due Soon

Halloween Project will due by Monday which will be Nov.10th

I can't wait to see their reading video.:) 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Mandarin book reminder

Nice Reminder: We will start the conference on November 10 th which will be the next Monday. Please remind your kids take their mandarin journals back to mandarin class and we will keep it in classroom till next Tuesday. (We will use mandarin journal for conference.)

Thanks for your understanding!

The Week of Nov. 3rd and 10th

Reading: We are working on summarizing(including character, setting, illustrations, key details, main events ) We used the book " The Very Hungry Caterpillar" to talk about it through character role play, picture drawing, and paper plates art summarizing.  Extra mandarin words for the two weeks will be "furnitures" in the house.

Writing: We are working on informational writing. We show the table of contents in a book and introduce how to write a sentence step by step with beginning words First, then, after that, finally in the informational writing. Also, we reinforce the punctuation using, especially for comma and period. 

Math: We started 2D shapes and will do 3 D shapes next week. We learned the shapes through singing the shapes song while played a game, yarn tracing shapes and matching names, build your own building. We will do 3D shape book next week.

Science: We will keep working on plants. We observed each student's bean bag, and record the bean growth. We learned the word: leaf, stem, root in mandarin.

Nice reminder: Please make sure to check your kid's folder and backpack every day.
                         Please pack the snack and water bottles every day.
                        Nov. 10 th will be conference day. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Reminder for conference

Dear Parents,
The conference will start next week. Please make sure you will sign up and bring the report card with you to the conference.
