Tuesday, January 27, 2015

January 26-January 30

Math: We did reviewing for measuring, fraction, and time during centers and small group assessment. We will start new unit about using addition and subtraction within 20 to solve  different problems, such as adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart. We also will learn how to use properties of operation to find out the unknown number.

Language Art: We kept working on retelling and describing characters and settings. We also added the different action words as the extra mandarin reading and writing parts.  We practiced the words through flash cards, matching game, making book.

The students were describing the characters in the book through drawing.
We were doing Brown Bear, Brown bear retelling through the role play
We were summarizing "Walking through The Jungle" by putting sentence chart and matching picture game.
characters matching picture

Chinese Culture: We learned different traditional customs about celebrating Chinese New Year. We are   pasting couplets on our door.

1.We will start to send mandarin journals going home this week. Practice the songs we pasted in our mandarin journals. 
 2. Review saying the time by mandarin at any time when you were at home, like dinner time, bed time, breakfast time. Post here pinyin of time words: 9 o'clock in mandarin jiu dian, 9:30 in mandarin jiu dian ban or jiu dian san shi fen, 9:15 in mandarin jiu dian shi wu fen

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Our Learning time

Our center time:

                                         Ipad Center

                                           Teacher Center: We are learning characters and reading with the teacher
                                          Writing Center: Playdough creating characters
                                          Game Center
                                           Friday Mystery reader

                                                        Our Show and Tell Time

Song of "Twelve Animals"

This song is about "Twelve Animals". We learned this when we had social study class about Chinese culture. Our kiddles really enjoy it!

Song" Congratulations! Congratulation to You!"

Here is the song "Congratulations to You! "
Please help your child open it and listen to this at home. Thanks!:)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Welcome Back and Happy New Semester

Welcome back to our second semester! Couldn't believe we have started our way of the New Year! Time Flies!
Hope everyone had a really wonderful Christmas! :) Thanks all my gracious parents for the things you did during the last week of last semester when I went to China.

In the first week of school, most of the things we did in the class were reviewing. We practiced routines and some words we learned before. We had a wonderful consultant Mrs. Marie came for training last week. She have been in immersion program since 2007. Therefore, she had great experiences of teaching immersion class. As a language teacher, put more focus on vocabulary learning is very important. I started to implement more word study in the morning message and center time.

The Week of Jan.12th-Jan.16th 

Mandarin Language Literacy: We will combine part of the culture study(Chinese New Year) to our reading class. I will teach vocabulary and sight words through the song, poem, and story. We been learning the song" Congratulation, Congratulation, Congratulation to you!" We sang the song together, and the students found the sight words when they read the song.Then they will use the single character to make words.  All the songs, poems, and stories we will learn include the key vocabulary about Chinese culture. I will also implement some English literacy standards which will be  Declarative, Exclamatory, Interrogative, and Command sentence learning into my reading aloud time.

Math: We will keep working on time learning. We will do more hour and half hour identification activity. We also did matching the number line with the clock time. We talked about there are sixty minutes in an hour, we counted every five minutes during an hour.  Students were separated into small groups for learning different activities, and switched with each group. Partner teaching is another important way for learning. For example, two students used their own clock to show each other's daily schedule, and said in mandarin.
Home activity: 1)Ask your child what time when you had dinner, breakfast. Try to encourage them to reply to you in mandarin.
                        2) They can make their own time schedule and hang in their bedroom.

Social Study: We started our culture learning last week. Since Chinese New Year is coming, we will learn more about Chinese New Year's history, 12 animals, Chinese New Year's tradition.
Please help your child sing the song that we are going to perform next Month. (I will post the video here later.)

Nice Reminder: We will start our Map testing on Jan.26th. I will post the exact date and time soon!