Reading: We are working on summarizing(including character, setting, illustrations, key details, main events ) We used the book " The Very Hungry Caterpillar" to talk about it through character role play, picture drawing, and paper plates art summarizing. Extra mandarin words for the two weeks will be "furnitures" in the house.
Writing: We are working on informational writing. We show the table of contents in a book and introduce how to write a sentence step by step with beginning words First, then, after that, finally in the informational writing. Also, we reinforce the punctuation using, especially for comma and period.
Math: We started 2D shapes and will do 3 D shapes next week. We learned the shapes through singing the shapes song while played a game, yarn tracing shapes and matching names, build your own building. We will do 3D shape book next week.
Science: We will keep working on plants. We observed each student's bean bag, and record the bean growth. We learned the word: leaf, stem, root in mandarin.
Nice reminder: Please make sure to check your kid's folder and backpack every day.
Please pack the snack and water bottles every day.
Nov. 10 th will be conference day.